160 Years Ago Today: Wide Awake Films' Gettysburg Address Step-In Experience

KANSAS CITY – Eight score years ago this day, President Abraham Lincoln gave one of the most important speeches in American history - The Gettysburg Address. On November 19th, 1863, in just 272 words, Lincoln presented not just a dedication for the Soldiers National Cemetery, but also a vision for what the nation needed to continue to strive for.

Working with our partner, The American Battlefield Trust, we are proud to announce the release of our newest “Step In” presentation - this one on Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.  Our Step-In videos blend together historic photos and modern VR videography, into an immersive experience that highlights the power of place.  In this new release, American Battlefield Trust’s Chief Historian, Garry Adelman, and Gettysburg National Park’s Chris Gwinn, not only highlight the history of the moment but also unpack the historic photographs that captured the scene on this eventful day.

History Brought to Life

Join us in commemorating the 160th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. See for yourself the results of our vision to seamlessly blend modern 360 footage with historic images, creating a unified view that places you directly into the landscape of history. 

Explore the Step-In Video: The Gettysburg Address | Civil War Then & Now

Empowering Our Future Through Stories of the Past

Like what you see? As our nation approaches its Semiquincentennial celebration, consider Wide Awake Films as your creative partner for experiences. Contact us for any projects your team envisions for the upcoming 250th celebration of the United States, and let's continue this journey through history together.

Learn More About Wide Awake Film’s Step-Ins here.


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