Animated Maps
Beautiful and highly illuminating, Wide Awake Film’s animated maps are at the heart of many of its award-winning productions. Learn more about how we create and utilize 2D and 3D animated maps to improve the viewer’s understanding of geography and history.
Good maps have always been essential to generals, admirals, explorers, and statesmen. And great maps are also of immense value within the kinds of historical presentations that our clients desire – particularly when geographic context is needed. Wide Awake Films has produced a multitude of custom 2D and animated 3D maps for videos ranging from the Revolutionary War to the 21st century.
Melding the Historic
and Modern
In this example from Washington’s War, Wide Awake Films created dynamic 3D maps that allow the viewer to more clearly understand the movements within many of George Washington’s most famous military campaigns. Blending 18th-century maps with cutting-edge map animations, Wide Awake Films is able to create map displays that are both resonant with the time period and completely modern.
Maps and 3D Animation
Our talented team of graphic artists, researchers, and 3D animators work with our clients on developing map views that match the subject matter of the films and interactives being produced. With the support of our researchers and other subject matter experts, we can create animations that can show geographic change, troop movements, or other important map-based informatics.
Maps in Motion
Wide Awake Films is renowned for its production of animated maps of various military battles and campaigns. This example is from the Gettysburg Animated Map, developed for the American Battlefield Trust. These maps are essential tools in helping viewers to understand complex movements and in generating viewer interest.
On Land and Sea
In addition to creating animated maps for battlefield presentations, Wide Awake Films is adept at animating sea actions. For the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, we created animations of the US Navy submarines USS Barb and USS Tang as they made their famous attacks in the Pacific during World War II.